Feb 28, 2012

And So the Ramble Begins

To Ramble: To wander around in a leisurely, aimlessly manner. To take a course with many turns and windings. To grow in a random and unsystematic fashion. To talk or write in a discursive, aimless way.

I LOVE to ramble. And most people might argue that it is my best AND worst attribute. I believe that communication is the key to the heart and mind, and without it, one becomes lost and confused about the world around them. Communication between individuals is highly important, whether it is through a simple verbal conversation, a letter through the post, a quick phone call, a much anticipated skype date, dropping an email to a friend, writing on someone's "wall", or a poorly written chat-speak text message (I can not STAND chat-speak... that is a ramble for another day). Through talking and conversing, we come to understand others, as well as ourselves, a whole lot better. You might be talking to someone about marshmallows and come to learn that they are the world wide Chubby Bunny champion, and you will most likely be able to  honestly say, "Wow, I never knew that about you!" (Side ramble: I tried to Google who was the world wide champion for the Chubby Bunny game with no success. However, I did find another marshmallow-related record breaker: Most large sized marshmallows fit into mouth is 19 according to Wiki-answer. Is this a reliable source though? Highly questionable. Well it's not Guinness, is it?!) Anyways, the point is, communication is a powerful tool that should be used and respected. Just because you have the freedom of speech, people, doesn't mean you can go rip on that CB champion and call him/her a mallow-ugly marsh-man (I was winging it... but still, would you want to be called that? Probably not). Words can make a person or destroy them, so choose wisely. And at the end of the day, a well spoken individual is more likely to succeed and be happy then a ch4t sp34k l0s3r lik3 dis (for the record, this type of writing is NOT cool and NOT attractive. Trust me on this, please!).

So who am I? Why am I rambling? What makes my words worth listening to? Well, I don't quite know the answer to that. Hell, I am just some 20 year old girl trying to figure out what this whole thing called "LIFE" is about. What am I doing here? What am I meant to be doing? What can I do to help others? How can I help myself reach my goals and dreams? And the million other questions that I know a lot of young people struggle to find answers to. But like I said previously, I love to ramble. And I am a true believer in the power of communication. Where there is a will, there is a way. And when a question is asked, an answer will follow. And things might not always turn out the way you expected them to. You might turn upon a road that you couldn't see from afar and later question it, asking, "How did I end up HERE?!" A question is asked... and an answer will follow. Not only do I believe in communication, I am also a FIRM believer in Karma. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Talk to others in the way that you would like to be talked to. (Both are very important points: To quote from the movie Hitch, "90 percent of what you're saying isn't coming outta your mouth!" 30% is tone of voice, and 60% is body language. So listen up, with your ears, as well as your eyes!). Good things happen to good people... eventually. And if you come across as an outgoing, optimistic, and generally FRIENDLY human being, life will come to you a lot easier than, say, if you were a grump who is constantly mumbling curse words under your breathe. It is up to you which kind of person you want to be. It is up to you to go out into the world and shine your light. Get to know others. Talk with them. Learn from them. Experience life! And ramble a bit, because you never know what you might learn. Who am I? I am just that rambling girl who is trying to figure it all out. And I am hoping that my rambling will teach you a thing or two as well. Thanks for reading. And let my rambling begin.

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